...All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
.is for good men to do nothing…
Edmund Burke
Amiad Taub
14. Amiad Taub, whose son Ofek suffered from an irreversible brain damage due to medical malpractice.
I don’t understand you MK Smootrich. How can you trust such a process ?
Out of 11.500 complaints only 6 physicians were permanently suspended because some were drug addicts.
Is it reasonable? How can anyone draw any conclusion in such a situation ?
Tens of thousands of medical records were NOT investigated at all ! ! !
Obviously, this process does NOT prevent future medical negligence.
Clearly, this Audit Commission does NOT fulfill its mission, as it does not create enough committees to investigate all the complaints.
It takes several YEARS for the Audits to be initiated and completed. Bottom line this is a FAILURE ! ! !
Following the Press Release of the previous hearing, we learned that the Commission does have the authority to suspend a physician’s
license in exceptional situations. KM Elharrar asked why it did not happen in the case of Ofek Taub and she was told that:
“These physicians are not prone to making mistakes”.
In his response, Dr Boaz Lev wrote: “Even the possibility of their suspension for the sake of investigation was not examined based on § 44a”
I would like to find out if the 6 physicians who were prosecuted by the Attorney General were put on trial for forgery, ignorance, cover-up and
injury to an innocent boy ?
Is there any doubt that maybe these physicians should have been suspended for an investigation in order to PREVENT such an incident from
happening again to others ?
How can Dr Lev claim that these physicians are not prone to making mistakes ?
I do not believe that anyone of you would put his child into a car with defective brakes or with a drunk driver. Unfortunately, this is exactly what
you are doing to the patients in our healthcare system.
If a soldier erroneously shoots, he is immediately debriefed, investigated and the weapon is taken away from him.
In our Healthcare system, innocent patients are victims of stray bullets,… killing people and NOTHING happens ! ! !
The “Junta” protects its members. The answers of the Commission attest to the “Art of Cover-up” and NO progress is possible.
In the Air Force, debriefings are conducted in near miss events on a simulator.
Take for example “Ossem” Corporation, when a failure occurs in the production, automatically within 24 hours they have to issue an incident report
with all the data and documentation to Nestle’s headquarters. That’s the way to prevent future similar incidents.
But after Ofek’s tragedy it took 5 months to replace the taps of CO2 gas, TWO YEARS for a recommendation to appoint a physician who will be in
charge of the operating room ! ! !
What happened during those 5 months ? The 2 years were nothing changed ?
There is a blatant CONFLICT of INTEREST between the Audit Commission within the Dept of Health and the Physicians that they Protect, as the report
of the State Comptroller points out.
We are the Public and we have NO TRUST in the Audit Commission, NOR in the Dept of Health !
In the case of my son, Ofek, it could have and should have been PREVENTED !
Patients were killed due to NEGLIGENCE, NOT “Errors”, without any consequences to any of the responsible team members.
Had you taken the appropriate measures, some of us would probably not be sitting here today.
The era in which decisions are taken in this process without our involvement is over.
You will not pass a new law without our participation.
We OBJECT to your suggested defective legislation it will NOT pass the Knesset,… over my Dead Body !
We MUST have an INDEPENDENT Audit Commission with Teeth because we do not others to suffer as we did !
Excerpt of Protocol
Testimony Video